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About Us
CELT is a community oriented registered charity with a focus on the empowerment of people through ecological knowledge and skills.
We have been providing training, education and awareness raising in traditional and ecological skills since 2001.
​We are passionate about environmental issues and our aim is to increase personal capacity and community resilience through our offerings.
These include guided walks, workshops, field trips, learning journeys and community events working in close partnership with skilled craftspeople and ecological experts.
We focus on Forestry and education around Agroforestry.
We are a member of Irish Environmental Network (IEN) and through this organisation receive annual core funding from the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE).
Our StoryCELT began in 2001 when wildlife enthusiasts and dry-stone wall builders Richard O'Gorman and Bob Wilson had the inspiration to gather a group of like-minded people to offer learning and awareness-raising activities in traditional and ecological skills. They recognised that empowerment through skills and learning was crucial to the ecological movement. A non-profit limited guarantee company was created and registered as a charity. CELT’s first ever event in November 2002 was a hands-on skills demonstration at Bealkelly Wood, Tuamgraney, Co.Clare. With over 50 participants, many of whom were inspired to participate again in further opportunities, a community began to gather. Following funding from The Heritage Council, another two successful weekend events were held in May and September with more than 70 participants. This was the beginning of the movement that flourishes to this day!
Collaborative efforts have been essentialHosting events with the Irish Seedsavers Association, membership with Irish Environmental Network (IEN), and the Environmental Pillar and funding from the Department of Agriculture have allowed much of our offerings to be far reaching and impactful. The creation of a tree nursery was also formative in CELTs strong link the woodland efforts and themes, and has aided multiple local forestry and community projects in the locale over more than two decades. We have an active focus on Woodland awareness and land management. Current efforts in Agroforestry awareness and engagement have been supported by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Through various field trips and agroforestry application days, we have successfully been highlighting the Benefits of Native Trees for Farms, Communities and Nature. These field trips are for all who are interested in more native and combined land use practices!
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